Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Miss Me?

I'm sure.

To the many many people one person who checked in on me...Thank you.

I'm here.

Been busy.

Blogging just gets in the way.

I'll be back soon. I think.

I haven't even been to my reader. I'm sorry.

Fa takes up a whole lotta my time. And I wouldn't want it any other way.

Love you all.


  1. SO glad you are with your girl, living life and being awesome!! I miss you like crazy but want you to be happy ... Be HAPPY!

  2. Enjoy your precious Fa! Blogging will always be here. But for the record, I did miss you and your posts.

    God Bless,

  3. Welcome back! We did miss you we did!

  4. I missed everyone because I haven't been around much either. Like you said, something about child rearing! :) But I'll always be around eventually whenever you get back.

  5. So glad you are well, just busy. Whew!

  6. Good for you!!!! Kiddo takes up my time too, and I wouldn't have it any other way either. That's why people don't usually see me after school gets out and on the weekends.

  7. If I wasn't knocked up, I'd fly up there and grab you and Fa and off we'd go for some girly weekend time. Manicures, pedicures, margaritas (OK, she can't have one of them) and general goofiness.

    (so does this new profile thing hide who I am??)

    Hugs and love.

  8. Hey - did I mention how much you are a wonderful person?

    You rock.

    Take your time.

    We completely are outranked by Fa and her important-ness.


  9. Glad all is going well for ya...

    I have been kind of suckie at checking blogs since we started our cabin..

    but I finally figured out how to be updated when people update their blogs...
    so it makes it easier.

    Hugs to you

  10. I miss you, but am glad to hear you've been able to spend this much time with Fa :)

  11. What? Blogging gets in the way?!??!?!?

    You need to get your priorities in order!!!!

    Just kidding. Hope y'all are doing well.

  12. I hear ya. And enjoy that girl. I love that you soak up every moment. xo.

  13. IT seems to be going around! The busyness thing! Have fun, be here when you get back!


Is your laundry done?

Got something to air out?

Do me a favor...leave your e-mail so I can respond to ya!